April 18th, 2012

01:34 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "As Yeast to Bread" for katmarajade

Recipient: [info]katmarajade
Author: ???
Title: As Yeast to Bread
Rating: Soft R
Pairings: Gregory Goyle/Millicent Bulstrode
Word Count: 5325
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): * None *.
Summary: Greg watched her go, too gobsmacked to reply, feeling his face grow warm. What the bloody hell did she mean, he was her hero?
Author's Notes: [info]katmarajade, it was a pleasure to write for you. I hope you enjoy the story! Many thanks to [info]bethbethbeth for her patience, and to Z for giving this a proper once-over.

As Yeast to Bread )

01:47 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Irma's Library" for therealsnape

Recipient: [info]therealsnape
Author: [info]miramiraficfic
Title: Irma’s Library
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Irma Pince/Minerva McGonagall, Irma Pince/Horace Slughorn, Irma Pince/Rolanda Hooch, Irma Pince/Severus Snape, Irma Pince/Madam Rosmerta, Irma Pince/Filius Flitwick, Irma Pince/Argus Filch
Word Count: 2,000
Medium: Fic
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *[Erm, consensual non-monogamy? Other than that, I got nothin’.]*.
Summary: Everyone knows there are two types of librarian in the world. And everyone knows which type Irma Pince is. Or so they think.
Author's Notes: I admit, I had a little trouble deciding what to do with such an open-ended request at first, but Irma stepped up and insisted on having her story – or stories, rather – told. I hope you enjoy, [info]therealsnape!

To read "Irma's Library" at AO3, Click Here!

Irma's Library )