May 16th, 2011

01:51 pm
[info]beholder_mod: FIC: "Let Us Escape Our Troubles" for tetleythesecond

Recipient: tetleythesecond
Author: [info]songquake
Title: Let Us Escape Our Troubles
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Minerva McGonagall/Augusta Longbottom
Word Count: 11,708
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *None*.
Summary: How terribly strange to be seventy… ("Old Friends", Simon and Garfunkel)
Author's Notes: tetleythesecond, I hope you love this. It's been a true labour of love. I'm so grateful to have been given the opportunity to work with these characters. I hope it's got enough realism - and theoretical magic - for you. To my beta T, thank you ever so for whipping this into shape at the last possible moment. You're a lifesaver. All remaining mistakes are mine. And finally, bethbethbeth, I thank you immensely for hosting this fest, for promoting unpopular characters, and for putting up with my terribly slow writing and revising process. You're a gentlewoman and a scholar.

"Let Us Escape Our Troubles"

(Don't forget to return to this post to leave feedback for the author!)

01:57 pm
[info]beholder_mod: ART: "Early Moaning Bath" for ragdoll

Recipient: [info]ragdoll
Artist: [info]chazpure
Title: Early Moaning Bath
Rating: R
Pairings: Myrtle/Draco
Media: Pencil & Photoshop
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *[nudity, hand-job]*.
Summary: He was never happy when he came to her, but Myrtle understood woe. She'd had decades of practice at it, after all.
Artist's Notes: Gift art for Ragdoll. I hope you enjoy this, and I apologize for any wonky anatomy that may be represented!

Early Moaning Bath )