April 9th, 2011

01:07 pm
[info]beholder_mod: FIC: "Far Beyond Pearls" for miramiraficfic

Recipient: [info]miramiraficfic
Author: [info]ldymusyc
Title: Far Beyond Pearls
Rating: PG
Pairings: Millicent Bulstrode/Pansy Parkinson
Word Count: 1000
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *No warnings apply.*
Summary: Pansy's thoughts on her lover.
Author's Notes: I couldn't decide whether to be influenced more by Shakespeare's "My Mistress' Eyes" or the Eshet Chayil for my fic, and I tried several different versions of a story before melding the two. Dear Mira, I hope you enjoy.

Far Beyond Pearls )

01:11 pm
[info]beholder_mod: FIC: "Chronic Charm of the Grotesque" for luciusmistress

Recipient: luciusmistress
Author: [info]injustice_worth
Title: Chronic Charm of the Grotesque
Rating: PG/PG-13
Pairings: John Dawlish/Alecto Carrow
Word Count: 4915
Warnings/Content Information (Highlight to View): *I’m… not exactly certain? Pardons… Not much made explicit; any warning’d be more in the suggestions and general content, then perhaps for knives and a bit of blood…*.
Summary: Dawlish finds himself compelled to renew an old acquaintanceship, and rediscovers the joy of knives.
Author's Notes: Dawlish just gets himself into all kinds of trouble with the ladies. Tsk. This hazes (in potentially suspect fashion) through time, present being at some point during DH, ranging back to Dawlish and Alecto’s schooldays. To the one known as the Mistress o’ the Lucius, grazie for the very-open prompt, and hope this isn’t too far afield (sorry ’bout the lack of sexy-sexy, in particular). Suppose I owe apologies to Amycus, who was going to be much more involved than he is; that’d be part of a longer story, I suppose, and he’ll have to deal. ON ANOTHER NOTE. The line from “Black No. 1” more or less sparked much of this, but The 69 Eyes’ “Sleeping with Lions” would probably be a more apt song for the pair, overall. Just sayin’.

Chronic Charm of the Grotesque )