January 6th, 2011

05:28 pm
[info]beholder_mod: HP Beholder 2011 is on the way!


The fourth round of [info]hp_beholder will be getting underway soon. Sign-ups start Thursday, January 27, and I'd love to have as many of you participate as possible.

Feel free to share this information with your own f'lists. In fact, please do...the more, the merrier!

Note: For background information relating to the creation of this Fic/Art Exchange, please see the original general information post, but don't trust that post for dates and updated rules

This is NOT the sign-up post: Again...sign-ups begin Thursday, January 27, so you have plenty of time to read the instructions in this post and decide what you're going to request.

General Information )

Deadlines )

The List of characters from which at least one member of your primary pairing must be selected )

Sign-up Template )

Sample Sign-up )

Which Characters Can Be Excluded? )

Questions and Answers )