January 31st, 2010

02:03 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: 2010 Sign-Up Reminder

Just a reminder that you have until February 5th (12:00 pm, Eastern time) to sign up for [info]hp_beholder.

sign up link

It's still early days for the sign-ups, but the current list of participants can be seen here below the cut tag )

And if that's not enough of an incentive, for each person who signs up (...and who actually completes their fic or art so that I can post it *g*), I'll be donating $1.00 to Doctors Without Borders (in addition to the donations I've already made through [info]help_haiti and elsewhere). Plus!...[info]meri_oddities has promised to match my donations as well!

(Note: if anybody else wants to match our donations or pledge a variant, such as 50 cents per story/art (or $1.00 per work which includes Snape *g*), let me know.)

eta Thanks to:
* [info]r_grayjoy who's pledging .50 for every slash piece posted in this year's exchange.
* [info]venturous, who's pledging $1.00 for every work that includes Snape in this year's exchange.
* [info]ragdoll, who's pledging .50 for every het or femslash piece posted in this year's exchange.
* [info]atdelphi, who's pledging $5.00 (Canadian) for each story that features Argus Filch in the main pairing.
* [info]torino10154, who's pledging $1.00 for
anything with Eileen or Tobias and $.50 for anything with Severus.