May 9th, 2009

12:00 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "Such is the Flare Through" for miramiraficfic

Recipient: [info]miramiraficfic
Author: [info]injustice_worth
Title: Such is the Flare Through
Rating: PG
Pairings: Rufus Scrimgeour/Rita Skeeter. sort of?
Word Count: 2620
Warnings: Not much. Rufus does a bit of cursing but, well, that's Rufus, and it really isn't terribly excessive.
Summary: The press has been at it again, revealing Ministry secrets. Auror Rufus Scrimgeour has just about had it with the whole lot of them, particularly with the harpy known as Rita Skeeter. Unfortunately for Rufus, Or, in which Rufus has further issues with women.
Author's Notes: First war and all that, where Crouch is Barty Crouch Sr., Rufus and Moody are doing their Auror-ly duties, and so on. PROBABLY ought to say that no small part of the image of Rita held in mind comes from a mix of the Rita-ones o' skeeter_green, who portrays Rita far more aptly than I ever could, and featherxquill, who writes both Rita and Rufus far more skillfully than I've a prayer at chancing. Not to place any blame on them for the stilted/whatnot Rita produced here so much as to say that if anything about her is even vaguely Rita, they'd probably be why. Much of the gracias, then, to both of them. The title is from the same poem as the beginning bit, the line being as follows: "such / is the flare through memory or desire." At any rate. My apologies if this lacks in plot and such; the initial idea had a bit more of that, not to mention more characters and a McGonagall/Robards focus, bu-ut it kind of got out of control. So, er, hope this is acceptable annnnd je ne sais pas. LOVELY. DAY.

Such is the Flare Through )

12:02 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "The Hand That's Dealt" for miss_morland

Recipient: [info]miss_morland
Author/Artist: [info]regan_v
Title: The Hand That’s Dealt
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Filch
Word Count: 3800
Warnings: None. Both characters are adults.
Summary: Filch might be a squib, but he was a pureblood.
Author's/Artist's Notes: [info]miss_morland, I hope you enjoy this. As ever, P improved this quite a bit. She has a fine ear, and I’m very grateful for her skill as beta.

The Hand That's Dealt )