April 20th, 2009

12:08 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: FIC: "The Good One, The Mad One, The Bad One" for naughtysnail

Recipient: [info]naughtysnail
Author: [info]dognmonkeyshow
Title: The Good One, The Mad One, The Bad One
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Neville/Rosemerta
Word Count: ~4800
Warnings: Nothing that isn't implied by the ship and the rating, though it is a bit on the angsty side.
Summary: Sometimes you just have to throw the rule book out the window and follow your instincts.
Author's Notes: [info]naughtysnail, you asked for a a metric ton of things I love to write, including cross-gen with the younger person initiating, and angsty, secret relationships. I couldn't manage to make it chan, and I know you asked for no Weasleys but for some reason I can't write Rosemerta without Weasleys at least being mentioned, but I hope it pleases anyway! And a 120 decibel shout-out to my beta, the lovely 'M,' who repeatedly smacked me back on track as per her brief.

The Good One, The Mad One, The Bad One )

12:13 pm
[info]bethbethbeth: ART: "The Years in Her Life and the Life in Her Years" for vivien529

Recipient: [info]vivien529
Author/Artist: [info]chazpure
Title: The Years in Her Life and the Life in Her Years
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Minerva McGonagall/Alastor Moody
Media: pencil on paper, slight clean-up in Photoshop
Warnings: none
Summary: Number 12 Grimmauld Place was dilapidated, moth-eaten and doxie-riddled...but it had not always been so. Minerva well remembered one particular velvet-cloaked nook, and the tales it could have told.
Author's/Artist's Notes: For [info]vivien529, who said something Minerva-centric would suit. I hope you enjoy this!

The Years in Her Life and the Life in Her Years )