February 8th, 2009

11:22 am
[info]bethbethbeth: Assignments have been sent!

Hi, [info]hp_beholder participants!

All the assignments have now been mailed out. (Shhhh! Don't tell anybody who you received...it's a secret! *g*)

Please reply with a confirmation as soon as you receive your assignment. If you haven't received an assignment, email me (beholder.mod [at] gmail.com) as soon as possible so that I can re-send.

Please use the following template for your header information, I'll be removing the names of the authors/artists and the names of your betas until the reveal, but please include all the infomation in your headers:

<b>Word Count:</b>
<b>Author's/Artist's Notes:</b>

Note: When you send your submission, in the subject heading, please put: From [your name] to [recipient's name]