HP April Fools Fest - April 20th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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April 20th, 2010

April Fool's [info]nimrod_9! [Apr. 20th, 2010|10:02 pm]


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Title: Purple
Recipient: [info]nimrod_9
Artist: Fool #25
Medium: number 2 pencil, photoshop
Pairings/Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, assorted unfortunate Hogwarts students.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: Semi-public sex, exhibitionism, twinkling Dumbedore.
Summary: Severus simply must have his coffee and Remus must have his breakfast.
Artist's Notes: Nimrod, you mentioned as one of your themes 'under the Head Table' and this bunny sprung fully-formed into my brain. I only hope my "art" did the idea justice.
Thank you to my art beta, C and to my crack beta, J for their assistance.

Purple )
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April Fool's [info]thesteppyone! [Apr. 20th, 2010|10:28 pm]


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Title: Thought I Told You
Recipient: [info]thesteppyone
Artist: Fool #26
Medium: pencil, pen & crayola (no joke, i used an 8 pack of crayons!)

Pairings/Characters: Ron/Hermione
Rating: G
Warnings/Kinks: nada
Summary: Hermione wants to spend her day off doing house work, Ron has other ideas.
Artist's Notes: umm... this turned out better than I'd expected! I hope you like it!

the laundry can wait )
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