HP April Fools Fest - March 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
HP April Fools Fest

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March 14th, 2009

One more week! [Mar. 14th, 2009|02:08 pm]


Attention Fools!

You have one more week until your assignments for [info]hp_april_fools is due! Get those things finished up.

If you know you are going to be late or unable to complete your gift, email me ASAP at hp.april.fools@gmail.com so I can make the necessary accommodations.

To all those who have already sent in your gifts, THANK YOU.

Judging from what I've seen already, you will not want to miss one day of this. Trust me. I've seen awesome art, kinky collages, pervy photoshop, and even some deliciously pornographic dolls.
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