Harry Potter Advent Calendar - December 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Harry Potter Advent Calendar

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December 25th, 2008

The 25th of December by ObsidianEmbrace - Part 12 [Dec. 25th, 2008|12:02 am]
Author's notes in Part 1.

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Advent Calendar [Dec. 25th, 2008|12:29 am]
Welcome to the Harry Potter Advent Calendar! We're celebrating the season of Christmas by presenting the fanfic The 25th of December by [info]obsidianembrace, with supporting art contributed by [info]veridian_dair and [info]choosetolive. Beginning on December 14, every day there will be a new story part along with a new piece of art, culminating on December 25. To read, just click the thumbnail for the appropriate day. Author's notes in Part 1. We hope you enjoy!

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