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Harry Potter | Private Storyline Requests

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[24 Sep 2017|01:46pm]

Looking for a couple more PSLs if anyone is interested.

I have some characters here and a few plot ideas there. Let me know if anything strikes your fancy!
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[20 Sep 2017|04:50am]

I'd love a Remus Lupin slash line. I have some AU Lupins who are abandoned by the Marauders/Order of the Phoenix in 1980 when Sirius gets a bit shirty about Remus as a secret keeper, and more conventional ones. I'd love to write him with a Marauder or Severus Snape, but if you've got an idea for another wizard, even an OC, I'm all ears. I'm really into the hurt/comfort aspect of the lycanthropy, and write Remus as essentially disabled by what years of 36 transformations a year does to him over time, especially pre-Wolfsbane Potion. Throw me ideas! I draw the line at underage Hogwarts romps. Otherwise, I'm wide open.

Not interested in a game setting right now, I've got grad school. Might consider GPSLs. Email and Gdocs totally fine as well as journals.
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Goddess' Island: Multi Fandom Game [04 Sep 2017|07:44pm]

Goddess' Island

The last hope for the Goddess.

Toto, this doesn't quite seem like Kansas anymore. The island is far from the world you remember. This isn't your home, this isn't even Earth from as far as you can tell. But why? How did you get here? It seems the whims of an unknown and forgotten goddess has decided that she needed your help, dragging you from your world and timeline and placing you on an island that is about to die. Welcome to Goddess’ Island, where the world is ending and you are its savior.

The island is clouded mostly in darkness but there is a spot, a beautiful valley, that is still flourishing. That is where you find yourself when you wake up. But you’re not alone. There are others stuck on the island just like you and if you’re lucky the goddess didn't just steal you away, but friends and family you know as well. Let's also not forget the creature that you bond for life with. Best idea though? Make friends, powerful friends. Make sure there are people to watch your back because when the God attacks, you're going to need every little bit of help you can get.

Will you survive, or will you give up and break under the pressure? Apply and become one of the saviors that the Goddess is depending to keep her alive. Canon and original characters are welcomed. The game starts on September 16th, 2017. Go check out the Wanted Characters or Holds page and get your application in!

Game starts on September 16th. APPLY.

[info]goddesslandmod | [info]goddessland | [info]goddesslandooc | [info]goddesslandnet
Premise | Rules | F.A.Q. | Holds & PBs | Wanted | Character List | Application
Player Contact | Dropbox | In Game Information | Code Page | Tags
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[26 Aug 2017|03:41pm]

Feeling the HP feels still. Particularly for Remus/Hermione or Rose/Scorpius threads. Anyone interested?
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Looking! [05 Jun 2017|06:19pm]

Hey, folks.

We have a small gpsl and are looking for some people to join.

It's set in the summer of 1989 and follows students just ending their 5th year. It's a purely social line and will be fairly adult in nature. It is AU in that we're not going to follow the book perfectly, but it'll be fairly true to story.

Who we're really looking for: Characters and Ideas )
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[28 May 2017|01:02am]

Might be a long shot, not sure. Can I get a Death Eater themed psl? Open to playing an existing pureblood or even Tom Riddle, or someone completely original. I'm pretty open on the details of the line, be it someone with those sort of ideals, and someone who doesn't share them, or even someone extreme like a muggle who makes the other question everything they thought they knew. We can figure out details and faces together. I generally prefer slash, but romance wouldn't be the main theme, just a happy side effect, I think.
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[26 Apr 2017|09:36pm]

seeking Scorpius/Albus or Scorpius/Rose ideally
not sure i have the time for a full blown game but would consider a laid back gpsl
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Weird Sisters! [13 Apr 2017|03:58pm]

I'm looking for some Weird Sisters to come and play with Myron over at [info]walled_rpg. We have Gideon and Kirley, but we need the rest of the blokes. Their employees and GROUPIES would be awesome too.
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[24 Feb 2017|08:29pm]

Looking for some slash lines. I would like some plot with my smut, please. I prefer threading or email for playing. Can do over Skype if I feel comfortable enough with you. The Genres, Fandoms and Elements I like and am looking for are:

Dark Romance
Urban Fantasy
Harry Potter
Soul Eater
Marvel 616/MCU
Teen Wolf
(au/cross-canon/etc for all)
Age Gap
Pet Play
Size Difference
Mates/Mates For Life

Open to suggestions. I also do not shy from World Building. I love me some World Building.
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[29 Jan 2017|12:34pm]

Nearly anyone for my Ginny. Please?
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[13 Dec 2016|03:02pm]

Would love a PSL for Draco Hermione, Luna, Harry, Astoria, or Rabastan would be loved.
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[12 Nov 2016|06:08pm]

I'm in a serious need of all the Harry Potter psls. I'm definitely open to any pairings, but here you'll find the ones I want the most:

First War/Marauders Era: Mulciber or Gideon for my Mary MacDonald.
Golden Trio Era: Harry for my Pansy.
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[20 Sep 2016|06:26pm]

Seeking a Sirius for Remus. Open to all kinds of plots, really looking for a partner to gel with to make some good stories! Feel free to check this journal to see if we'd mix well, and you're welcome to contact me there. I really miss this pairing.

There are a couple other HP-related lines I'd be happy to do too, just ask or check the journal for who I play ^^
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[30 Aug 2016|08:40pm]

I miss playing Tonks with a Remus. If anyone would be up to this, I'd love to have a line! Could be before/during their relationship, some sort of AU, anything!

Cross-posting a few places.
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Marauder Group PSL [17 Aug 2016|07:16pm]

I'm looking to start a group PSL set after the Marauders final year at Hogwarts, so slightly AU. I thought it could be based on a group of friends (and possible enemies) going on a road trip through Muggle England. Nothing too dark to start off with though it could cover that. Any takers? Let me know what characters you would be interested in and I will set up a custom.
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Ted Tonks searching for... [23 Jul 2016|09:16pm]

Anyone! I'm looking to play Ted either against Andromeda or another female character from the Marauder era. He's laid-back, not at all bothered with school (unless experimenting in Herbology counts) and would definitely have a reputation for being a waste of space. Not yet settled on the PB so open to suggestions, though the massive Gilmore Girls binge I've been on lately has me begging for a Alexis/Milo pairing. I'd like to create a private psl comm for random silliness alongside journaling.
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Hermione or James? [23 Jul 2016|08:36pm]

In search of lines for Hermione. Het or femme. I am open to ideas, though I was pondering the idea of her finding herself stuck in a place where she can no longer use magic. I also have a James Potter who I am itching to get writing for again. I'm looking to post through journals. Let me know if you would like a custom :)
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[01 May 2016|11:39am]

Looking for fandom GAMES or PSLS! All the pertinent info is in my journal but here's who I want to play most right now:

First War: Bellatrix Black/Lestrange, Dorcas Meadows.
Pre-Trio Era: Hestia Jones, Dorcas Meadows
Trio Era: Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Hestia Jones, Lavender Brown
Future: Hermione Granger/Weasley, Ginny Weasley/Potter, Hestia Jones, Lavender Brown, Roxanne Weasley

(I would kill for a dark Hermione/Ron line, Hestia/Charlie, Bella/Rod/Rab, Dorcas/Sirius, Lavender/Charlie.)
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[09 Apr 2016|02:32am]

Looking for some lines with my Ginny.

Anything but Harry/Ginny is an option.
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[17 Feb 2016|08:45am]

I would love to get a Prewett brother (Fabian or Gideon, both would be amazing though potentially at the same time for a polyline), Travers, or another older than the Marauders Order guy, Including not yet Mad Eye Moody.
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