Harry Potter | Private Storyline Requests' Journal
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Monday, December 16th, 2019

    Time Event
    Pleasant evening, one and all! I'm presently seeking a shamelessly fluffy/smutty Harry Potter psl, be it holiday-line based or no. In keeping with the shameless theme, I admit I'd like to play a male OC opposite Ginny, Pansy, Hermione, or an AU Delphini. All the needed info and suchlike is in my IJ; if interested, contact me there. And if not, then thanks for taking the time to read this, and hopefully you'll soon find something more appealing.

    In either case...
    I would love to find a Remus Lupin player that would like to delve into AU territory with me and my Regulus Black. The setting would be the aftermath of the prank on Snape that nearly got him killed, you know the one where Sirius tried to use his friend as a murder weapon.

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