Harry Potter | Private Storyline Requests' Journal
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Thursday, September 17th, 2009

    Time Event
    Howdie. I have an Astoria looking for an OC over at [info]busillis - The Other Side is an alt universe Harry Potter post DH game. Stranded in an unfamiliar world, they come to the realization that there has never been a Lord Voldemort, here. He is more commonly known in this world as just plain old Tom Riddle, right hand man to she-who-must-not-be-named: Bellatrix Lestrange. It features the class of '78 and '98 and dopples and originals from the other side. You can find available characters here. The mods are quite awesome and dedicated and we'd love to see more people join. Wanted characters include Dopple!Tom Riddle, more dopples in general, Weasleys, Death Eaters, Slughorn, Dopple!Greyback and more.

    I'm specifically looking for an OC originating in the "other side". He would be a doppleganger of Astoria deceased best mate. Preferably a Slytherin c/o 2000 and the rest is up to you. I would love you forever and ever and ever! Seriously. My muse is dying for it.

    PM or email at bobs.dummie@gmail if you're interested.

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