Harry Potter | Private Storyline Requests' Journal
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Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

    Time Event
    I’m playing Orion Black over at [info]comesthesun_rpg a new AU marauders era game and I’m looking for a few other characters to join me.

    I’d really love to have his children, Sirius and Regulus, in game. Both of them are at Hogwarts and it is the year before Sirius runs away and gets blasted off the tapestry. I’d love to play out what leads up to that, and the aftermath of the whole event.

    Walburga and Cygnus are also desperately wanted. I’m really interested in playing out a Cygnus/Orion line with the two having been involved when back in Hogwarts, now happily (or not so happily) married and trying to suppress any attraction to each other. I’ve written it so that Orion married Walburga because she was Cygnus’s sister but soon fell in love with her too because of who she was so I’d also like a strong Walburga to play off against.

    Other parents or his sister Lucretia would also be loved.

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