March 26th, 2009

[info]lomeinie in [info]houselomein

FIC: Getting Out of Reverse 1/15 (Rated PG-13)

Getting Out of Reverse

Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up through WILSON'S HEART and very very very AU after that although I might have a small minor Season 5 spoiler here and there

Word Count: 15,141 total with most chapters around 500 to 2,500 words each
Characters: Wilson, Cuddy, House, Foreman, Kutner, Thirteen, Chase, Cameron, with some OCs
Pairing(s): House/Cuddy, House/Wilson (friendship), Wilson/Amber, Wilson/Cuddy (friendship)

Beta(s): KellyAnnie (Chapter 1 only) & theviewfromhere with a very special thanks going out to my first readers capeofstorm, michelleann68, and everybodyliesmd – without the encouragement and feedback of these people this story never would've gotten finished or posted.

Summary: In this continuation of Happiness, it has been six months since he left Princeton and Wilson is about to learn what happened after he left.

Medical Disclaimers: This story contain some medical issues that I've done my best to research and ask others with medical knowledge to verify. But you should know I am neither a medical student, doctor, or nurse and although I've done my best to write the medical aspects as accurately as I've understood them, please DO NOT use this story to self-diagnose any problems you might be having. Please if you are having problems seek the attention of a licensed physician!

Disclaimers: I don't own House or any of the characters and I've made nothing from this so it'd be nice if you didn't sue me.

A/N 1: If you can tell me where my story's title comes from I will write you a 100 to 250 word drabble (No slash or Hameron please) featuring the character(s) 2-word prompts of your choice. Email me with your answer
A/N 2: I will be posting this to my House fic community and to anyone who cares to join the community will get a special treat in that you'll get to see the next chapter before the next update. And considering my posting schedule will most likely be 10 to 14 days in-between updates so don't you want to know what's going to happen next? If you do, click here to join – even though I have to approve membership it is open to everyone who wants to join!
A/N 3: See all other story notes at the end of the epilogue.

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