I Love LA Threading and Random's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
I Love LA Threading and Random

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[10 Oct 2015|11:26am]
WHo: Tommy and Charlie
What: Sibling catching up
Where: Coffee Bean and tea leaf
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: PG13 for maybe language

Catch up time )

[10 Oct 2015|11:35am]
Who: Caity and Blake
What: Date night!
Where: a restaurant
When: Thursday night (backdated)
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

a new experience )

[10 Oct 2015|07:30pm]
Why hello there. I'm Abigail O'Conner but please don't call me Abigail. Only teachers and my parents do when I'm in trouble. It's Abby or Abs. I'm 18, will be 19 in December. Born in Manchester I moved to Melbourne, Australia when I was 10 thanks to Dad's work. Due to him and that we moved to New York two months ago before settling here a week ago.

I'm yet to see my first Celebrity in either city.

So. Here's some questions - I want to study fashion. Any recommendations for courses or where to work?

Any good place to party or go clubbing?

Anything else you recommend doing around here?

[ viewing | October 10th, 2015 ]
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