I Love LA Threading and Random's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
I Love LA Threading and Random

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[20 Apr 2015|09:20pm]
Who: Avi, Keira, Sammy & the rest of the Slade clan
What: Keira’s Sladedom Initiation…er…Keira’s meeting Avi’s family
Where: Phil Slade’s house in Santa Monica
When: backdated, Sunday 4/19 early afternoon
Rating: Slades
Status: in progress
Ready? )

[20 Apr 2015|11:21pm]
Who: Beau & Yelena
What: Job a-huntin'
Where: One of Yelena's autobody shops
When: Monday 4/20
Rating: tame
Status: In progress
Up shit creek without a paddle )

[ viewing | April 20th, 2015 ]
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