I Love LA Threading and Random's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
I Love LA Threading and Random

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[18 Oct 2012|12:39am]
She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on Sunday.
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause its Monday.
She's a bubble bath and candles.
Baby, come and kiss me.
She's a one glass of wine
And she's feeling kinda tipsy.

She's the giver I wish I could be
And the stealer of the covers.
She's a picture in my wallet
of my unborn children's mother

She's the hand that I'm holding
When I'm on my knees and praying
She's the answer to my prayer
And she's the song that I'm playing

And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
I talk about her, I go on and on and on
'Cause she's everything to me

[18 Oct 2012|12:42am]
Who: Drew and Lilly
When: Monday October 15
Where: Lilly's office
What: A little bit of awkward
Rating: PG for Lilly's underwear and Drew's thoughts
Status: Complete

I just saw my boss in her underwear )

[ viewing | October 18th, 2012 ]
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