Horror Fanatics' Journal
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Below are the 1 most recent journal entries recorded in Horror Fanatics' InsaneJournal:

    Saturday, October 16th, 2010
    7:46 pm
    Welcome to Horror Fans
    Welcome to Horror Fanatics, a place to talk about all things horror!

    To get the ball-rolling, a list of my favourite horrors of the moment, in no particular order.

    - Psycho
    - Terror Toons
    - Child's Play
    - Return of the Living Dead
    - Puppet Master
    - Wishmaster
    - The Exorcist
    - Village of the Damned
    - 28 Days Later

    This list is changing all the time but those are my current favourites. If I had to pick a favourite type of horror film, it'd easily be any horror that involves living dolls or puppets - don't ask me why but I just love them.
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