June 30th, 2008

[info]yohjideranged in [info]hopeforlorn

What's going on with site??

Well, currently it is in a state of limbo right now. My hopes are to get it back up the way that I want it this summer, but all the deadlines I have set for myself have passed.

The reason it isn't being working on right now is two-fold.

#1 Life stress - the family here went through job loss and money problems to the point where we are now at poverty level and are on state aid for food. This is getting better and things are looking up, but it has been a depressing situation and doesn't leave a body with much want to do anything but dig yourself out of the situation you find yourself in.

#2 No time - due to #1 above, all time has been spent looking for work or figuring out money problems. There has just been no time to revamp the site the way I would like too.

Fortunately, I am currently going through a bout of renewed creativity and hopefully this will spill over to the site.

Bear with me...it will be up again, and hopefully I will update here a little more often to let everyone know what's going on.
