Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven

May 19th, 2008

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Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven


May 19th, 2008

fic pointing

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Title: Boypiles, and their inevitable conclusion
Author: Tequila Worm, aka [info]peppery_lime or [info]ink_on_the_page
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Bandom--The Cab
Series/sequel: no intention of.
Characters/pairings: GSF, which means Johnson/Singer/Marshall/Cash/Ian
Disclaimer: I don't own them. This is just for fun. Suing me for money is about as productive an exercise as squeezing blood from a stone. I do not condone any illegal activities that may be written about in my fiction, nor do I partake in any of these activities personally. This is a work of fiction, and should be treated as such. If you got here by googling yourself or someone you know, for the love of my sanity, hit the back button or DON'T TELL ME WHO YOU ARE.
Summary: Once upon a time, there were five boys who were very good friends.
Warning: ugh...orgies? cuddling? ridiculousness? :D
Author's note: So my darling [info]stephanometra was having a bad day. so i utilized the txting function of AIM and told her a story. it's just taken me this long to figure out how to get it so it scanned right for "regular" posting. O.o Anyway, for [info]stephanometra. Thanks to my beloved [info]dreamyraynbo for sacrificing herself to beta this. And boy did it need it y'all. O_O
Word Count: 1164
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