Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven

March 21st, 2008

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Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven


March 21st, 2008

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Title: The Wait [1/1]
Author: [info]confuoco
Pairing: Frank/Gerard of My Chemical Romance (AS USUAL)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Gerard reminisces about the first time he and Frank met.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this never happened, and I made it up!


All In Your Mind - Spencer/Ryan

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All In Your Mind
Rating: R, for language and sex.
Warnings: Some teenaged shenanigans.
Disclaimer: No, really. This is so incredibly NOT happening.
A/N: Huge thanks to namegoeshere and harriet_vane for reading this first, then beta-work and canon-whipping by airgiodslv and dsudis. If anyone else read this at some point and I've forgotten (entirely possible), then please forgive me. Baby's first Panic fic, yo!

There's a photograph, linked in the text, that inspired much of this fic.

(If y'all save this to your delicious accounts, can you please use THIS address instead of the googlepages one? This is where I have all the rating info and acknowledgements, y'see. Thanks.)

Part One - Part Two - Part Three

Twu Wuv - ficlet - Spencer/Ryan

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You guys remember this, right? Well, that same anonymous poster made ANOTHER submission to the bandomsecret post, which you can see here (#7, obviously), mildly dismayed that his/her original intent had gone so horribly awry (quote: "I HAVE FAILED D:D:D:"). Heh, sorry, honey. You were too clever for your own good. That, however, led to this thread, which led to a request for a Spencer/Ryan ficlet.

So here you are, anonymous poster. This is my peace offering to the anti-Bob/Frank camp... and if you hate both Bob/Frank and Spencer/Ryan, then you are cold and dead inside, and I weep for you.

Twu Wuv
Rating: Oh so PG.
Pairing: Spencer/Ryan
Disclaimer: No, seriously.
Summary: Set, oh, about ten years in the future.

The Ballad of LynZ and Gerard the Boyslut - Ficlet - 1/1

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pearl-o prompted, and iamsupernova prodded, and lo, there was Gerard/LynZ comment!fic.

The Ballad of LynZ and Gerard the Boyslut
Pairing: Duh. Het.
Rating: PG-13

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