Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven

January 27th, 2008

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Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven


January 27th, 2008

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title Navigating Minefields
author: lisa roquin
fandom: Stargate SG1/MCR
rating 15
pairing/characters: Jack Tyler (Clone!Jack)&Gerard Way
disclaimer: MCR has never had a teenage clone of an air force colonel as a roadie. It's safe to assume this is entirely fiction.
summary: It's gruntwork. Anonymous. Simple. Routine. Not where he belongs, but he's not who he once was. It's not so bad, but tonight sucks.
warning: angsty
author notes: inspired by lj's mychemicaltest challenge 18, but went more than double the max limit. A little adjustment of the SGverse timeline in comparison to series airdates, nothing strikingly noticable unless you have every eps first airdate memorized. Everything up to Fragile Balance and even up through end of S8 happens, just Fragile Balance would have happened in 2002.
and thanks to ix_tab and peppery_lime for readthrough & opinions
word count: 3300+

mixed bag of icons--including 5 Fall Out Boy, 9 Lyn Z and 16 30 Seconds to Mars.
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