Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven

January 21st, 2008

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Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven


January 21st, 2008

30 Seconds To Mars: Crack Fic

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Title: The Drummers New Threads
Author: kynx_fic (Kit and Jynx)
Rating: R for language, nakedness and implied blowjobs.
Pairing: Smallest hint of Tomo/Shannon if you squint while standing on your head.
Summary: Crack!fic 30stm take off of 'The Emperor's New Clothes'
Warnings: Crack. Nakedness. Crack. Language. Did I mention crack?
Disclaimer: I believe Hans Christian Andersen made it all up. We just fucked with it. And added a lot more f-words than were in the original.

[link to fic journal]Once upon a time...
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