Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven

December 28th, 2007

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Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven


December 28th, 2007

MCR wing!fic - Frank/Gerard - part 3/4

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Okay, okay. I lied. It's going to be four parts. I'M SORRY. THEY WON'T SHUT UP.

Title: An Inexplicable Occurrence of Angels, 3/4
Rating: PG-13 for language, sexual content
Disclaimer: Seriously, y'all. I don't know these guys, and I'm pretty sure Frank Iero is not, in fact, an angel. (Same goes for the, uh... other one.) This is purely for my deranged enjoyment and the reading pleasure of whatever misguided souls stumble upon this story.
Warning: Wing!fic. Crack. WiP. AU, duh.
Summary:This is a WiP. Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Thanks to: trollprincess, harriet_vane, musical_emjay, and namegoeshere for their help in various capacities.

I've messed with the band timeline, clearly. This is set in summer of 2005... but it ain't the Summer o fLike. This is a story about second chances and gutting through your own failures, but never letting them defeat you. Take that, bitches.

Part the third: The Devil in the Desert
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