Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven

September 20th, 2007

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Hoodies: A Bandslash Haven


September 20th, 2007

FIC - The Year of Living Safely (Gen, 1/1)

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Hey ho! I just found this community today - very new to the bandom scene.

Have a welcome present!

The Year of Living Safely
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Author: stele3
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Gen. (I know. WTF? I'm gonna get thrown out of bandom before I'm even IN.) An unrequited thing in the background, but that's not what the story's about.
Disclaimer: I don't know any of these people. This is almost definitely not happening, but it's nice to imagine.

A/N: Post-sobriety MCR. This is as much about me and my own brother as it is about the Way boys, and Christ was it hard to write; it brought a lot of painful things to the surface.

It's also my first bandom fic. Please point out any shaky characterizations or errors in canon: it would truly be appreciated. Huge thanks to sevenfists, mcee, queencria and Dryad Duinath for their help.

The Year of Living Safely
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