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Holiday Wishes

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Holiday Wishes in 2008! [13 Nov 2008|11:21pm]
The community is officially open! Time to break out the wishes, gifts, holiday spirit, good cheer, and all that other sappy rot ;)

While the spirit of this meme is for everyone to put their hearts desires out there, wish for anything they could possibly want, no strings attached, since we are collecting all of these lists in a single forum, we do want to keep things as fair to everyone as possible. For that, we do ask that you follow a few simple rules.

Please remember that you are responsible for reading the rules and reminders and posting guidelines for the community.

When you post a wishlist, we ask...

  • That you keep your lists limited to 10 wishes.
  • That you only include one external wishlist (i.e. Amazon) and no more than 3 types of giftcards. For more info, please see the wiki. It's not necessary to include these of course, but if you do, that is the maximum.
  • That you post your wishlist once to this comm, and only once (You may also post to the LJ one as long as the wishes listed are the same).
  • That you tag your wishlist, at minimum, with your country or continent, and preferably with the types of items that you're wishing for.
  • That you not add items to your wishlist as wishes are granted.
  • That instead of providing your home mailing address in a public forum, that you use a P.O. Box address or leave your e-mail address and only provide a mailing address upon request.

  • When you want to grant a wish, we ask...

  • That you bookmark the wishlist of the person who's wish you're granting. That way you won't forget who wanted the last Coldplay CD, or who asked for the Battlestar Galactica icons.
  • That, when mailing something through the postal service, you include some sort of identifying information with your package or card (LJ username or e-mail address) so the recipient can thank you (unless you're trying to remain anonymous).

  • When you receive a gift, we ask...

  • That you thank the person who gave it to you directly (via e-mail or commenting on their wishlist, or their journal), and if you wish (or if the gift was anonymous) thank them publicly on an open thread or on holiday_thanks (but please remember that not everyone watches that community, so the person who sent you the gift might not receive the Thank You.)
  • That you consider granting a wish in return and spread the love!

  • And finally, if a moderator asks you to edit your post please listen to them. We don't want to be dictators, but we would like to keep the peace!

    If you have any problems, would like to report a problem with another community member, see a rules violation on a wishlist (i.e. someone who edited their post to include more than 10 items, or 2 wishlists that appear to be posted by the same person), please contact a moderator through an open thread, or e-mailing us at wishlist.project (at) gmail (dot) com.

    So have at it! Let's get those wishlists rolling! :)

    Your moderators,

    [info]greenwitch, and [info]alchemia

    P.S.: At LiveJournal, we're so high traffic that we need a rigid structure or all hell will break loose. Here, we've got barely 1/50th of that, so we're really not as worried. Unlike on the LJ community, generic, holiday-oriented posts ARE ALLOWED in this community. Just keep things holiday-oriented and don't go too off-topic. =D
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