Hogwarts Chat's Journal
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Sunday, June 8th, 2008

    Time Event
    WHO: Remus and Cassidy.
    WHAT: A nightmare and a twilight visit..
    WHERE: His dormitory...
    WHEN: A week or so into term, around three in the morning.
    WHY: Because she has night terrors, and she doesn't know where else to go.

    in the dark of the night, evil will find her.. )

    So basically, I'm moving to Iowa in about two weeks. This is huge, seeing as I'm going into my senior year and have lived here in Arizona since kindergarten. Big big deal for me. Therefore, when summer started, I was *kindof* kidnapped. As in, every single day, I have had something going on. And so I haven't had a whole lot of time for internets since everybody has gone nutso about seeing me before I leave. It's been a lot of fun, but ultimately, VERY TIRING.

    Anyway. Hopefully I'm back to stay, although of course there will be some technical difficulties when I make the big move to Iowa. I'll keep you guys posted on how things are going as much as I can! Again sorry for disappearing and I love you all. (:

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