"Au contraire. I quite enjoy being sedentary if it involves a good book and a hot cuppa with chocolate biscuits," he corrected her with one of not-quite smirks. "It's just when I know there are things that need to be done that staying still doesn't suit me." Or when the cycles of his curse dictated he needed to move, such as that moment. But, that wasn't something they'd ever really talked about, all things considered.
He laughed softly. "The list of strange things I could reasonably hallucinate coming out of James' mouth and still wonder if they actually happened is long and varied."
Raising an eyebrow, he cocked his head. "You do remember at least one of your grandkids is named for the two of them and another is the one Sirius adopted her first day in the castle as a fifth Marauder, right?" Laughing he shook his head. "Can't really blame him, can you? I mean, we men have no idea how women survive nine months of pregnancy. We're naturally inclined to be protective and then you throw in the fragile life of a child growing inside the women he loves more than anything...in a castle where fire-breathing birds and trolls appear out of nowhere. I'd lay money on Sirius not needing to be convinced, too."