"I thought I had made.it past your 'touching is weird' barrier," Draco said fondly. He should have known Harry wouldn't be used to back rubs. "As to why, I'm doing it because I like making you feel good. You look tense, and I wanted to help. If it's not helping I'll stop, if you like it I'll keep going. Simple as that."
He nodded, thinking about ways they could spice up a two person league.
"Yeah, we could come up with some sort of challenge rules. Switch things up a little. I don't know, I'd have to think about it. Or, rather, someone like Savannah should think about it. If anyone could do a creative take on the game without losing its integrity it's her."
He perked right up at the mention of going out for dinner.
"Yes, that's a brilliant idea. Dinners, maybe shopping. I don't understand muggle fashion but I bet people like Scorpius would enjoy seeing the shops. Even just the change of scenery would make a big difference, I bet. The castle is big but it's still just one castle"