Draco could practically see the stress coming off Harry in waves, and wished there was something beyond distracting him that he could do.
"For what it's worth, I think you're doing fine." He shifted, catching one of Harry's hands on the way back from his hair. "I think everyone is this weird combination of bored out of their minds and completely on edge, and it's running tensions high. None of us knows what's going to happen next, but at the same time it's been a good long chunk of nothing. I'd find you a Dark Wizard to fight, if I thought it would help." He raised an eyebrow. "You always do your best work when faced with a doomsday time limit."
He sideyed the firewhiskey, and wondered how many he'd already had.
"As for Parvati, I don't see why you shouldn't let her do it. As long as everyone is contributing does it really matter if they do more than one thing? It might raise morale."