"Was your side dying because of the circumstances surrounding their birth and their classification, or was it due to old age and possibly poor life decisions? While I am truly sorry that you died, and that your line ended with you, I'm finding it a little difficult to believe our circumstances were at all similar." Lily spoke in a way that was less 'woe is me' and more matter of fact. "You're right, Sirius loves the family he made with James, Remus, Peter, myself, and Harry. He was a wonderful godfather during the brief time he had in that role. He spent quite a few evenings keeping an eye on Harry while I got some much needed sleep, or keeping James out of my hair when his pacing got to be a little much. And yes, he could certainly go on his merry way whenever he liked, but if he wanted to spend time with James then he had to accept that Harry came first."
She shrugged. "Don't misunderstand me, there have been plenty of times where I found your brothers' behavior frustrating, but that was before I got to know him as well as I feel that I do. You mentioned his seeming inability to grow up, which I do believe plays a large part in how we both view Sirius when it comes to our personalities."
Lily sat down in the offered chair. "I'm genuinely shocked that you haven't kicked me out yet. And bitter isn't the word I would use for it." His reaction had her laughing softly and shaking her head. "They say patience is a virtue, and learning how to handle Sirius during some of his... more interesting moments took more than a little of it. Which came in handy when dealing with an actual infant." She felt as though his frown spoke volumes. "It's not something that happens all the time, you know. And both James and I have ways of letting Sirius know when we want alone time, if you must know. As for why we let him, both James and I understand that it can be a source of comfort for him. And, there are times it's been a source of comfort for us as well. Especially after Harry was born. It was akin to having extra security."