"Yet another way I'm different," he said, but without any of his usual self-deprecation. Avoiding hugs was something even his siblings could understand. "Well, maybe we'll keep that part between us." Al looked away, guilt creeping in for even bringing their Dad up. "I uh yeah. Maybe. People keep showing up, right? Might be him."
Al couldn't help the incredulous snort at that. "Maybe. Weirder things have happened, I guess." He wondered what it would be like to have a mother they actually liked, as well as loved, but couldn't quite get his brain around the idea. The Slytherin in him was looking for all the ways it would go wrong.
"Yeah, uh, I don't think I'll be doing that." He sighed, then nodded. "We'll need Al for that. No fun in betting with just the two of us. We can grab him before lunch and see about those bets."