"I don't know what a computer is. It must be after my times," he said. "I was just thinking that they'll need that for school when we're done, but- they won't, will they? Those students only know the Muggle world. They are the ones who could teach us Muggle studies, and that includes people like me who grew up in the Muggle world."
Peter shrugged. "Eventually it will. When there are enough people, I bet the castle will want us out. We're ruining the school," he said laughing. "Not that I think we'll be going far. With so few of us, it makes sense to stick together for safety." He nodded. "Actually I was thinking that, but I can't seem to make it last for more than a few days. I'll just need to keep playing with the spell and then we can just go grab sand at a beach if we don't want to upset whatever lives in the lake."
He snorted. "Of course you have. Sirius needs everyone to love him. We agreed to try and mend things, but-" He shrugged. "He's Sirius. He'll find something new, someone new, something shiny that will hold his interest more than me and that will be the end of things." He sighed. "Look, let's focus on a few things at a time, okay? First off greenhouses and property. Maybe you can get one of the people from the recent past to look for that after you give directions, and then we work on supplies. I mean how bad can it be?" he asked, although he felt that it was pretty hard when they didn't even know what computers were. "Of course, you don't have to listen to them. I don't care how modern things get, this is Scotland. There must be local producers for basic things. Find them. Screw what people tell you and work your way up to these computers."