[<<<] [>>>]
07:10 am: [info]_withoutacause RP: Sirius and Lilu - 6 comments
11:52 am: [info]te_regulus RP: Regulus/Remus - 6 comments
03:19 pm: [info]hd_scorpius RP: Scorpius and Albus - 6 comments
04:31 pm: [info]savannah_monroe RP: Savannah and Albus - 10 comments
09:18 pm: [info]_cervus_ RP: Lily & James - 12 comments
08:35 pm: [info]savannah_monroe RP: Savannah/Kirley - 9 comments
10:44 pm: [info]parvati__patil RP: Padma/Parvati - 9 comments
03:09 pm: [info]parvati__patil Journal: Hogwarts Filter
07:02 pm: [info]lilu__potter RP: Lilu & Regulus - 15 comments
07:49 am: [info]dreamtoofar RP: Roxanne & Parvati - 5 comments
02:15 pm: [info]her_mione RP: Hermione and Scorpius - 3 comments
06:11 am: [info]te_regulus RP: Regulus and Remus
08:24 am: [info]lilu__potter Journal: Lilu - 82 comments
09:08 am: [info]slowburn_alpha Journal: Remus and Peter - 17 comments
10:23 am: [info]_cervus_ RP: Lily & James - 13 comments
10:27 am: [info]_cervus_ JOURNAL: JAMES - 46 comments
11:37 am: [info]ab_harry Journal: Harry - 32 comments
12:21 pm: [info]no1cannonsfan Journal: Ron - 23 comments
12:37 pm: [info]savannah_monroe Journal: Savannah - 13 comments
01:24 pm: [info]draco_draconis Scorpius/Draco - 20 comments
01:42 pm: [info]_withoutacause RP: Sirius and Lilu - 13 comments
04:05 pm: [info]ab_harry Journal: Hogwarts Filter
04:05 pm: [info]lovingsacrifice Journal: Lily - 52 comments
04:25 pm: [info]ab_harry RP: Harry/Lilu - 12 comments
04:37 pm: [info]ab_harry RP: Harry/Lily - 25 comments
04:54 pm: [info]te_regulus (no subject) - 6 comments
05:43 pm: [info]savannah_monroe RP: Savannah/Jamie - 17 comments
06:42 pm: [info]forgetme_nott Journal - 5 comments
11:36 am: [info]ab_harry RP: Harry/Albus - 10 comments
01:47 pm: [info]te_regulus RP: Regulus/Al - 9 comments
01:54 pm: [info]parvati__patil RP: Parvati/Fenrir - 16 comments
02:28 pm: [info]_withoutacause RP: James and Sirius - 14 comments
09:49 pm: [info]forgetme_nott RP: Theo/Roxanne - 10 comments
11:43 am: [info]_withoutacause Journal - 8 comments
12:55 pm: [info]her_mione Journal: Hermione and Padma - 3 comments
04:16 pm: [info]p__pettigrew RP: Sirius/Peter - 18 comments
04:35 pm: [info]slowburn_alpha Joural: Remus to a few - 21 comments
07:31 pm: [info]_withoutacause RP: Sirius and Lily - 21 comments
09:30 pm: [info]wolfish Journal: Draco & Savannah - 10 comments
10:46 pm: [info]savannah_monroe Warded to Kirley - 3 comments
09:50 am: [info]savannah_monroe Journal: Hogwarts Filter - 24 comments
02:19 pm: [info]p__pettigrew Journal: Peter - 4 comments
02:24 pm: [info]no1cannonsfan RP: Ron & Peter - 12 comments
05:12 pm: [info]p__pettigrew RP: Peter/James - 10 comments
07:22 pm: [info]lovingsacrifice Journal: Lily - 23 comments
11:03 pm: [info]lilu__potter RP: Lilu & Lily - 12 comments
10:15 am: [info]p__pettigrew RP: Peter/Lily - 8 comments
10:32 am: [info]p__pettigrew RP: Peter/Padma - 6 comments
11:26 am: [info]hd_lucius Hogwarts Filter - 15 comments
01:11 pm: [info]draco_draconis RP: Draco and Lucius - 12 comments
03:38 pm: [info]ab_harry RP: Harry/Draco - 21 comments
03:53 pm: [info]hd_scorpius RP: Scorpius/Theo - 13 comments
10:00 am: [info]p__pettigrew RP: The Memorial - 26 comments
01:53 pm: [info]kirley__duke RP: The Styx - 48 comments
02:28 pm: [info]_withoutacause RP: Sirius and Kirley - 15 comments
09:39 am: [info]te_regulus RP: Regulus/Remus - 60 comments
03:27 pm: [info]oddmenttweak RP: Albus & Albus - 14 comments
04:06 pm: [info]hd_scorpius RP: Scorpius and Lilu - 6 comments
04:34 pm: [info]ab_harry RP: Harry/Sirius - 25 comments
08:49 am: [info]slowburn_alpha Journal: Remus to James and Peter - 12 comments
09:49 am: [info]slowburn_alpha RP: Remus and Sirius - 17 comments
08:02 pm: [info]the_other_albus RP: Harry and Al - 21 comments
08:59 pm: [info]hd_scorpius Journal: Scorpius - 35 comments
04:49 pm: [info]hogwarts_mods Owl to Harry from Dudley - 3 comments
05:25 pm: [info]ab_harry RP: Harry/Jamie - 6 comments
09:52 pm: [info]p__pettigrew RP: Peter/Sirius - 20 comments
10:09 am: [info]te_regulus RP: Regulus/Lily - 10 comments
10:18 am: [info]marlymckinnon RP: Arrival - Marlene and Open - 11 comments
10:05 pm: [info]manofsecrets RP: Severus & Lily - 5 comments
09:13 pm: [info]_cervus_ RP: James & Lily - 16 comments
10:09 am: [info]hd_scorpius Warded to Theo - 2 comments
10:12 am: [info]savannah_monroe Journal: Savannah - 21 comments
11:08 am: [info]hd_scorpius Journal: Hogwarts Filter - 18 comments
02:42 pm: [info]forgetme_nott Journal - 24 comments
03:45 pm: [info]savannah_monroe RP: Savannah/Jamie - 17 comments
09:04 pm: [info]lilu__potter Warded to Albus Dumbledore and Remus - 6 comments
10:12 pm: [info]marlymckinnon Journal - 14 comments
12:54 am: [info]forgetme_nott Warded to Regulus - 4 comments
10:33 am: [info]hd_scorpius Journal: Hogwarts Filter - 34 comments
11:19 am: [info]manofsecrets Journal: Severus/Albus - 2 comments
11:23 am: [info]lotusraven Journal: Padma to Dept. of Mysteries - 21 comments
11:27 am: [info]lotusraven RP: Padma and Theo - 6 comments
02:46 pm: [info]slowburn_alpha RP: Full Moon - 25 comments
10:25 pm: [info]dreamtoofar RP: Roxanne & Theo - 12 comments
11:22 pm: [info]ab_harry Warded to Lucius - 2 comments
12:00 pm: [info]te_regulus Warded to Hermione
09:52 am: [info]marlymckinnon RP: Marlene and James - 10 comments
04:39 pm: [info]lilu__potter RP: Remus & Lilu - 8 comments
04:55 pm: [info]lilu__potter RP: Albus & Lilu - 12 comments
08:17 pm: [info]no1cannonsfan RP: Ron & Parvati - 28 comments
09:31 am: [info]hd_lucius Hogwarts Filter - 4 comments
11:27 pm: [info]onthe_wagon RP: Myron & Kirley - 7 comments