Understanding the responsibility that came with a heavy weight on one's shoulders, she understood that Potter, whoever he was, likely had done the best he could. But once there was that level of responsibility on someone, people just kept expecting it over and over. Fix their problems for them.
Ah... So she was the paragon of the Trelawney family. The legacy she had left behind had ultimately doomed her progeny. That honestly put it all together in a way that made perfect sense. "No, you wouldn't. But I don't believe that locking away a level of education would benefit anyone. Knowing the more intricate parts of Divination and its theories would allow someone to spot the charlatans of the world, I would hope."
She smiled along as Savannah agreed with her. Excellent. They would get along quite well, she suspected, even moreso than they already did. "I don't think I've ever met a man that really understood a woman but I appreciate the ones who try."