Highlander Chronicles - Day

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

4:12PM - Explanation of waves theory in slash

Woohoo! Neat summarizations by [info]princessofg here -- and this makes much, much more sense in terms of the history of HL slash. Highlander has missed some trends in formal experimentation and some trends in topics and tropes; but in terms of the "four waves" theory, it's easier to compare what's going on here with what's going on in other fandoms, both old and new.

It still doesn't address the current state of fiction writing and reading (and feedback!) overall within HL -- but it would be interesting to try to talk about that in terms of the waves. Fifth wave? Or has the fandom become so small that one swallow a summer makes?

Also a discussion about whether or not comparable progressions exist in het here

ETA: The main wave theory text above was written in 1996 (!). A different version of waves of writing/participation in fandom from a decade later is here (by elspethdixon).

8:42PM - fic link: Strip Tease

Over at my IJ, there's a short little tease of a ficlet. I think the title is probably enough enticement, though it's not what you think. *g*

Link: Strip Tease

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