Highlander Chronicles - Day

Monday, June 30, 2008

11:53AM - Live Long and Marry fan auction

This is the last day before the bidding begins for Live Long and Marry ([info]livelongnmarry), a fan auction raising money for organizations fighting the California initiative that would legally destroy existing same-sex marriages and ban further ones.
Information on offering services and goods to sell, bidding for offers, and making donation after winning are here.*

At present two fans are offering Highlander fic and one is offering to write Methos crossed into one of her other fandoms. No one has yet offered Highlander vids or art. Anyone else interested in participating?

There are some very interesting things there, including some pro SFF writers who are offering signed books, fiction, and professional critiques of your writing. (Elizabeth Bear will read and crit your fanfic!). There are also offers of baked goods, jewelry, art, vids, clothing, audio recording of your fic, and other delightful things. Listings give minimum bids and buy-it-now amounts (the first bidder and first bidder only has the option of pledging that amount and winning the bid).

Bidding lasts from July 1 to July 15. 

*I haven't seen anywhere a deadline for posting offers. It seems you can post offers up to the end of bidding.

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