Highlander Chronicles - Day

Sunday, March 16, 2008

7:25PM - Fic: 'Seriously' (01/01)

I've posted 'Seriously' to my IJ here. This is a story in my 'Emily' series, where I try and explore the price of immortality.

I hope you enjoy it!

9:10PM - new community: write_fansite

There's a new community you may be interested in, especially if you're a writer. It's [info]write_fansite and its focus is on the nuts and bolts of the writing fanfic process.

It looks like it's going to be a really great resource.
I've already gathered up all the writing links I could find and made a post, so you may want to browse that as it has lots of goodies at those links.
Right this way for loads of helpful links

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