Highlander Chronicles - Day

Thursday, March 6, 2008

12:43PM - fic rec: The Other Three Christmas Spirits by carenejeans

Fic: The Other Three Christmas Spirits
Author: carenejeans

Linkage: clickityclickity

It's a Christmas-y story, but that's no reason to wait until December. Slashy and full of a lambasting of the usual cliches of fic, it's quirky and funny.

12:49PM - fic rec: One True Thing by Nomango

Title: One True Thing
Author: Nomango

Link: click right here

It's short and funny, and all about Methos wickedly telling Duncan and Fitz one of those compelling tidbits of his historic past. Well, less historic, and more hysteric.

10:09PM - fic link: Quickening

Title: Quickening
Claim: Tessa (highlander50 community on lj)
Prompt: Quickening
Rating/Warnings: gen
Word count: ~700
Disclaimer: Any and all.

Link to the story at my IJ:
"So, anyway, after I found out about Jacqueline, we broke it off," Mara concluded. She took a long sip of wine, putting it down with a little shake of her head.

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