Hijack Me!: HP


March 6th

bemygoodday @ March 6th: Hijack List
This entry will serve as a quick reference and be continually updated as I receive fics for Hijacking.

Hijack List )

Current Location: Work~
Current Music: Tokio Hotel - On The Edge
bemygoodday @ March 6th: Beta/Brit Pick List
This list will be continually updated as I gain more beta readers and brit pickers willing to take you guys on.

Beta/Brit Pick List )
If you would like to beta or brit pick fics for this community, please comment to this post letting me know what pairing(s) you will beta, plus any restrictions (ie: no- NC-17, non-con, or crack!fic)

bemygoodday @ March 6th: Do Not Ask List
I am aware that the concept of this community isn't awesome to everyone. Because of this I am going to continually update this list of Authors who would NOT LIKE to have any of their fics hijacked -EVAR!!!!!eleven


(Please check this list before you make any fic requests to me.)

bemygoodday @ March 6th: Welcome!
Hello! Welcome to on IJ!

Most of you know I started this community at LJ, the problem is, LJ is a pretty uptight place. It's safest to move the community now, before it really takes off, then it would be later, so here we are.

Right now, to get the ball rolling I need authors willing to offer up their fics for Hijacking.

If you are an author, and would like to do so, please take a peek at the user info for details on how to proceed.

If you are a reader and know of any abandoned fic's you would like to see completed, let me know!

Also- Please pimp this community to all of your HP fic-loving friends, no matter what ship they sail.

bemygoodday @ March 6th: A Very Interesting Christmas Break: Hijack Me!
I contacted Mysfit about her unfinished works and she has given me permission for them to be Hijacked! Because she is currently without her own computer, she has asked me to make her Hijack posts for her. Without further ado:

Story Title: A Very Interesting Christmas Break
Author: Mysfit
Rating: R
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Length : 38,000
Time Period: Hogwarts Years
Canon Compliant: No
Summary: Harry is bored over the Christmas hols and Draco is one of the only other students who stayed over. Harry seeks Draco out to end his boredom. Cross dressing which leads to smex, schizophrenia, and hilarity ensues.
Warnings: Crossdressing, VERY mild Dub-con, slash, PWP-ish.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are property of JK Rowling and Warner Brothers, no profit is being made off of this story.

( Hijack Me! )

bemygoodday @ March 6th: Secrets: Hijack Me!
Story Title: Secrets
Author: Mysfit
Rating: R
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Length : 19,200
Time Period: Hogwarts Years
Canon Compliant: No
Summary: When Harry finds Draco beaten and bloodied in the corridor in the middle of the night, his only option is to take care of the wounds himself. The shocking secret he learns of Draco will change their relationship forever.
Warnings: mention of violence, slash
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are property of JK Rowling and Warner Brothers, no profit is being made off of this story.

( Hijack Me! )

bemygoodday @ March 6th: The Natural Order of Things: Hijack Me!
Story Title: The Natural Order of Things
Author: Mysfit
Rating: R -for dropping the F-bomb
Pairing: Draco/Neville
Length : 6,200
Time Period: Hogwarts Years
Canon Compliant: No
Summary: Draco ventures into the greenhouse and discovers that Neville isn't as squeaky clean as her originally thought... and he likes it.
Warnings: Pre-slash
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are property of JK Rowling and Warner Brothers, no profit is being made off of this story.

( Hijack Me! )

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