Colliding Worlds' Journal
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Below are the 8 most recent journal entries recorded in Colliding Worlds' InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, January 15th, 2008
    10:30 pm
    Fic: Turn Back the Night TW/HL [NC-17]
    Title: Turn Back the Night
    Author: Aeron Lanart
    Pairing: Jack/Methos
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings and spoilers: Takes place after Greeks Bearing Gifts and has explicit m/m smut
    Summary: Methos finds out what's bothering Jack (and then cheers him up...)
    Disclaimer: Not mine: Belong to aunty beeb, RTD and Panzer/Davis
    No copyright infringement intended, no profit made.

    A/N: Takes place in the same AU as The Mystery We Are. Can be downloaded from my website if you're interested.

    10:22 pm
    Fic: The Mystery We Are: Part 3

    Title: The Mystery We Are

    Author: Aeron Lanart
    Rating: NC-17 in the last third, though most of it is PG-13
    Genre: Torchwood crossover with Highlander. Drama.
    Pairings: Jack/m in later parts
    Summary: Jack learns more about immortality
    Warnings: m/m smut in the last third
    Spoilers: takes place after Episode 5 but before Episode 6 of Torchwood

    Disclaimer: None of the Known characters belong to me.
    Torchwood stuff belongs to the BBC and RTD
    Highlander stuff belongs to Panzer-Davis
    No copyright infringement intended, and no profit made.
    Original characters belong to me, as does the story
    Title from the song of the same name by All About Eve.

    10:20 pm
    Fic: The Mystery We Are: Part 2 [PG-13]

    Title: The Mystery We Are

    Author: Aeron Lanart
    Rating: NC-17 in the last third, though most of it is PG-13
    Genre: Torchwood crossover with Highlander. Drama.
    Pairings: Jack/m in later parts
    Summary: Jack learns more about immortality
    Warnings: m/m smut in the last third
    Spoilers: takes place after Episode 5 but before Episode 6 of Torchwood

    Disclaimer: None of the Known characters belong to me.
    Torchwood stuff belongs to the BBC and RTD
    Highlander stuff belongs to Panzer-Davis
    No copyright infringement intended, and no profit made.
    Original characters belong to me, as does the story
    Title from the song of the same name by All About Eve.

    10:17 pm
    Fic: The Mystery We Are: Part 1

    Title: The Mystery We Are

    Author: Aeron Lanart
    Rating: NC-17 in the last third, though most of it is PG-13
    Genre: Torchwood crossover with Highlander. Drama.
    Pairings: Jack/m in later parts
    Summary: Jack learns more about immortality
    Warnings: m/m smut in the last third
    Spoilers: takes place after Episode 5 but before Episode 6 of Torchwood

    Disclaimer: None of the Known characters belong to me.
    Torchwood stuff belongs to the BBC and RTD
    Highlander stuff belongs to Panzer-Davis
    No copyright infringement intended, and no profit made.
    Original characters belong to me, as does the story
    Title from the song of the same name by All About Eve.


    10:01 pm
    Fic: The Mystery We Are HL/TW parts 1-36
    Title: The Mystery We Are 1-36
    Author: Aeron Lanart
    Rating: NC-17 in the last third, though most of it is PG-13
    Genre: Torchwood crossover with Highlander. Drama.
    Pairings: Jack/m in later parts
    Summary: Jack learns more about immortality
    Warnings: m/m smut in the last third
    Spoilers: takes place after Episode 5 but before Episode 6 of Torchwood

    Disclaimer: None of the Known characters belong to me.
    Torchwood stuff belongs to the BBC and RTD
    Highlander stuff belongs to Panzer-Davis
    No copyright infringement intended, and no profit made.
    Original characters belong to me, as does the story
    Title from the song of the same name by All About Eve.

    11:38 am
    Fic rec: The L World - multi-fandom xover
    I'd like to rec a multi-verse crossover that I think is absolutely the bees knees. It's also got a rather believable way of explaining the fact that Richie isn't dead (one that I've kind of taken as personal canon). Even better, it has Methos/Jack! Go read the L World
    1:31 am
    Fic: The Littlest Angel
    Can't call it a rec, 'cause it's my fic. But it's HL/TW, so here ya go:

    Fic: The Littlest Angel

    3:04 am
    Fic Rec
    Ok, I'll kick it off. ;o) MacGeorge (who has penned some of the classic fiction in the Highlander fandom)wrote a wonderful story PARADOX on hlh_shortcuts over on lj. Her summery says "Methos is taken prisoner by a mysterious stranger from his past... or is it his future?". It's a fantastic story written with her usual flair for great characterization and plot, with all the characters from both shows lovingly drawn and recognizable. If you haven't read MacGeorge before or if you missed this, give your self a treat and read Paradox , you won't regret it.
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