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[24 Mar 2008|10:54am]
Well wasn't all that gossip the other day extremely interesting?
I know so much about myself that I didn't know before!

Benny! I feel like drinking tonight, you up for it?!
3 post

Man on a mission [24 Mar 2008|11:57am]
I want to know where is these rumors of my brother selling drugs? He is my brother and I would know if he was in this mafia, no? Who says these things???

Family is blood, and who knows his own blood better than a father, husband and brother, no? Ciò è assolutamente outrageous! Queste parti di merda vivono e funzionano dal mio sudore e dalla mia anima! Come la sfida fa le accuse false!!! Scoprirò chi questo è, voi contrassegno le mie parole!!

Ali! Ali! I need you Immediatamente!

This is absolutely outrageous! These pieces of shit live and work by my sweat and my blood! How dare they make false accusations!!! I will find out who this is, you mark my words!
2 post

[24 Mar 2008|04:50pm]
Who wants to protect me from my nonexistant Hispanic gang member ex who is looking to come kill me because of the precious info that I hold? Hahah

That stuff is so ridiculous.
6 post

[ viewing | March 24th, 2008 ]
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