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Emma Frost - White Queen
General Governor of NoCal

Erik Lehnsherr - Magneto
Honorary President of California

Scott Summers - Cyclops
General Governor of SoCal

Charles Xavier - Professor X
Homeland Security


Ruth Aldine - Blindfold

St. John Allerdyce - Pyro

Amara Aquilla - Magma

Alex Blandings - Havok

Chris Bradley - Bolt
Power Plant

Davis Cameron - Slipstream

Heather Cameron - Lifeguard

Lorna Dane - Polaris
Professor at UoCSF

Bobby Drake - Iceman

Josh Foley - Elixer

Adrienne Frost - Aeon
CEO, Frost Enterprises

Cordelia Frost

Rachel Grey - Phoenix

Jay Guthrie - Icarus

Billy Kaplan - Wiccan

Jean Paul Martin - Northstar
Courier Service Owner

Piotr Rasputin - Colossus

Anna Raven - Rogue

Frankin Richards - Avatar

Tommy Shepherd - Speed

Kevin Sydney - Morph


Pete Wisdom
Former covert Agent

Monday, November 24th, 2008
10:10 pm
It had been so long since he'd seen Franklin he actually couldn't remember how long it had been. But the band had been out of town a lot, touring before the holidays and making some appearances on local television shows.

Still, it was good to be back in familiar territory, even if it did mean he was crashing on someone's couch again. He'd need to do something about that soon, get a place of his own finally.

He was sitting at a cafe, enjoying a huge coffee when he caught sight of Franklin and called out to him.
Tuesday, November 11th, 2008
1:48 pm
[ Open ]
Tables for the job fair were being set up in the lobby of the Frost Building (formerly the US Bank Tower). Normally it wasn't something that Adrienne would have been involved with -- tasks like this were meant for the underlings.

Except for some reason the underlings were having a dispute about what should go where and how departments should be placed and on and on and finally the receptionist had called up to Adrienne's secretary and passed word along.

Adrienne waited, arms crossed, until the two squabbling employees noticed her. They both went deathly white and then tried to explain their positions at the same time, resulting in a loud babble. "Enough." They fell silent. "You have five minutes to figure this out or there will be two more positions to be filled at this fair."

She turned and almost ran into someone. "What do you want?" she asked in the same icy tone, figuring it was another of her employees.
Saturday, November 8th, 2008
3:02 pm
The burgers had come from a street vendor that Bobby visited weekly. He was the guy's best customer -- or had been ever since Bobby had spent a warm afternoon keeping his broken ice cream freezer cool.

Bobby smiled over at Rogue as he led her to a bench in the park, carrier with burgers and drinks balanced in his hand.

"OK, I know I didn't mention picnic but is this OK?"
Friday, October 31st, 2008
11:59 am
Open to All- Halloween Party
They had one every year, out on the lawn in front of the capital in San Fransisco. The teleporters were working over time, transporting people from all over the state to the grand Halloween Ball.

There was a buffet under one tent, little tents and tables set out all over the lawn. A huge tent covered the wooden dance floor that was put down earlier in the day. A band played a combination of music from pop to waltzes. Fairy lights lit the entire area.

There was a section for kids and kid's games, a section of bobbing of apples and costumes. But mostly, it was all about the dancing.

Costumes were required.
Wednesday, October 29th, 2008
9:17 pm
Rogue met up with Bobby by the same lake as before. She was carrying her skates and offered him a huge smile when she saw him, "Hey you."
Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
9:36 pm
LaScala's Restaurant wasn't a high-end restaurant as the name might suggest. It was, on the plus side, a family-run restaurant serving good old-world Italian-mama's cooking. Mama was about five foot tall, round as the globe, although she didn't let that stop her from flitting about the various tables in the dining room, checking the al dente of this one's linguine or the amount of spice in that one's soup. She carried around a trusty pepper mill herself, while the good family (her two sons, a couple daughters, a couple more old biddy's and a creepy older male cousin) swept, cooked, delivered plates, greeted you at the door and rang your bill when you left.

And when the occasional son of hers would spend too much time oogling over an rather attractive female customer, she's apparate a small pebble out of thin air and send it peeling with a swift force into the back of her child's head. Ah...Mutant California.

Josh arrived first to LaScala's, simply dressed for a simple evening. He shrugged his coat as a small bitter wind had found it's way from the ocean, down streets and past buildings to pass-by the back of his neck. Fall was upon them.
Friday, October 24th, 2008
7:58 pm
Before leaving, Josh had made sure that the newest addition to Safehouse was safely with the Social Work staff, signing over the necessary paperwork. He patted the new girl on the shoulder on his way out.

Yesterday had been perplexing and Josh couldn't help but think all night long about his current state with Franklin. Silly boys... he rolled his eyes, hopping on the quick commuter to City Hall. He couldn't even pay attention to the people on the bus, with their rude comments and grunting pushing and shoving. Just another busride.

As it pulled up to Town Square, he slowly rose, almost missing his stop. He called the busdriver as he was just about to pull away and was allowed off the bus, to disgruntled chants from the back. His mind was elsewhere, and it needed to be right here, right now for Jay. He'd try his best.
Thursday, October 23rd, 2008
5:10 pm
Emma had gotten all the way to Scott's door with her own face, flicking the switch that altered her appearance only when his PA had looked away and she was already headed into his office.

"Mr. Summers." She smiled, flirty, taking on the slightest Spanish accent. "I hope you don't mind me intruding."
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008
8:32 pm
"No, you aren't welcome." The slobbery drunk punk-kid spit when he talked, aiming for Piotr's face, as he mocked the words back at his captor. Piotr didn't faze, simply lowering his steely chin to his collar, wiping his face clean and continuing to move away from the line.

"C'mon goon, let us down!" The punk's brassy girlfriend, shook like a wet dog in her leather jacket trying to escape.

Both kids, now held like frantic and loose kittens on the scruff of their necks, hung about a foot and a half off the ground. One in each hand, Piotr barely grunted as he lifted them over the curb as he came to the parking lot safely outside of the club's property. He slowly lowered them to the ground, not releasing, just placing.

The steel-formed face bared teeth to inform them of their behaviour, his grip tightenting just enough.

"Stay." He waited a second and then gently undid his grip on the two, leaving them on their feet. They mumbled in the background, fake british-accents grunting Piotr's future demise or something; Piotr didn't care, but he did need to find his shoes.
Tuesday, October 21st, 2008
2:10 pm
Scott was as at the restaurant he and Adrienne had agreed on early; early enough that he was sipping and half way through his first cup of coffee when Adrienne arrived. He stood because he had manners and pulled her chair out. "Ms. Frost."
Monday, October 20th, 2008
7:09 pm
[ Cordelia ]
Wicked hadn't bothered to get a description of the girl she'd talked to on the journal system. She knew most of the other patrons of the club by sight; they knew her too. She leaned against the wall, one foot propped up against it, arms crossed around her waist and waited. She kept an eye on the line and waited.
1:13 pm
A normal day at the Safehouse. The living room was half-barren, the monitors in the office seemed to only blip at themselves. Joshua flipped through a magazine, mindlessly manning his station.

"Attention!" A mechanized voice snapped him from his delving into the life of the new 'American' displaced celebrities. He slid his feet off from the desk and gave a light push against it to roll his chair over to the front door monitor.

Franklin was there, and Josh couldn't take his eyes off he screen, just exploring what a beauty he had found.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we don't have any room for Zombies. Try the graveyard down the street." He released the speaker button and grinned at the screen.
Saturday, October 18th, 2008
12:52 pm
[ Franklin ]
Jay showed up at Franklin's dorm with both a package of microwave popcorn and a bag of already-popped he'd picked up because he realized he didn't know if Franklin had a microwave. He kicked himself the whole way to campus. While he was away, he'd resolved to be friendly but not too close to Franklin. To avoid confusion. To stay away and keep the other boy safer. To stay away so Josh didn't get pissed off. It was for everyone's good, really.

And what did he do? As soon as he talked to Franklin, he'd agreed to see him.

Jay sighed and knocked on Franklin's door.
10:40 am
Another beautiful weekend. Alison wasn't the biggest fan of Autumn, the whole death of trees and cold and lack of sun, but she had woken to a bright light through the window and was going to take advantage of it. A long shower, a couple bloody marys and eventual peace in zero to ten seconds of sunshine. She walked onto her terrace, shifting her sunglasses against the light as she moved towards her tanning chair. Reclining with a soft sigh of relief, she tried to not let the past week's traumas creep into her mind, simply closing her eyes and letting the sun's rays warm her skin.
Wednesday, October 15th, 2008
11:44 pm
[ Delivered to Rogue's police station ]
In a box, wrapped in plain brown paper with a note:

"Had to guess on the size. These should keep your feet warmer than my style of skates. ~ Bobby"
Tuesday, October 14th, 2008
11:48 am
Emma and Josh- Eureka, cafe
Franklin had woken before Josh's alarm, cuddling the other boy out of the room and towards the door, sending Emma a mental headsup on where he wanted to eat. He started babbling to Josh about it as they were walking.

Franklin woke up fast and he woke up perky. "They have this kind of bread and then bake it around this fragrant italian sausage and it's just." He kissed his fingers in glee. "Total hole in the wall, but it's great. This way."

He opened the door for Josh, bouncing a little.
8:04 am
Jean-Paul was sitting at a table with a rather impressive spread of food laid out before him and was happily eating his way through a quantity of food better suited to a Sumo wrestler than a man of Jean-Paul's size. It was a beautiful day, chilly, but sunny and clear, so he was eating in the park. There were bags and boxes from at least seven different restaurants.

When someone walked by, he looked up. "Care to join me?"
10:54 am
Lorna was, for the first time in a fair while, entirely caught up on her marking. There was nothing immediately doable to any of the experiments or monitoring projects she had set up and for once, just until her class this afternoon, she was genuinely free.

She'd gone to one of the local cafes and ordered herself a muffin and a latte, sitting by the window and watching the world go by. She only turned when she heard someone ask, 'Is this seat taken?'

"Pardon? Oh! Yes." She smiled, "Of course."
Monday, October 13th, 2008
9:56 am
Piotr stood on the corner, bent low to his knees as he tried to lightly shake the newspaper dispenser. "Damn machines..." He muttered, having lost his quarters to the evil, evil machine. He shook it a couple more time, only able to slip his pinky finger through the latch, and it still wouldn't give. Ready to give up, a low growl began in his lungs as he realized his finger was now stuck in the evil metal loop. With one good pull, and a loud clunk, he ripped the front metal cover off it's hinges.

He stood there, staring at the broken device, clueless as to what he should do next.
Sunday, October 12th, 2008
1:04 pm
Billy - Last night
Tommy had shown up at the club early, stretched out on a couch under black light, let it hit his hair and promptly pretended to be asleep because he was a motherfucker. He even pretended to sleep through a girl lacing a blue ribbon through his jeans zipper's loop while she hummed The Scotsman because that had just tickled him. He did peek open an eye at Billy coming over though, "Hey cowboy. Wanna go for a ride?"

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