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AU - Once upon a time in Asgard, Sif better watch

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[24 Dec 2012|02:17pm]

Loki? Are you still here?

[22 Dec 2012|08:52pm]

WHO: Lynne, Loki, NPCs(?)
WHAT: Arriving in Asgard
WHERE: On the Bifrost

One does not simply wake up in Asgard! )

[22 Dec 2012|08:35pm]

I understand how, after all that has transpired what I say now may seem in jest, but I assure you, it is naught but honesty. I meant every word I said to you as a child; that I believed you would be able to pass the All-Father's tests, that I wanted you to take them for me and come to Asgard.

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