April 15th, 2012

10:21 am
[info]theotherdunham: Filtered to Aaron

You might be a fath
So you remember that thing your regret? Here's a real reason for regret, buddy!
You only think you hate me now, wait til you hear this.
Hi. I need to talk to y
Don't freak out, but there's some serious stuff I ne
What are your thoughts on ki

Hey... what's up?

04:12 pm

Hey Jeff, now that you're free, you wanna hit up the bowling alley with me? One of them the other people found one and said it's working and all, but playing alone would be fuckin' lame.

Anybody else, while I'm at it? Other than Ash or Rae; fuck you guys

Feeling better? You ever gonna tell me what was really Rematch today or you still not feelin' it, brat-tastic?

08:53 pm

Who: Grace & Jared
What: Gracie has something to tell Jared.
When: Sunday evening
Where: The arcade

This sounds like a conversation we should have in person... )