April 2nd, 2012

12:14 am

I don't know what to do here.

08:28 am
[info]cantparkthere: Filtered to Penny

Everything okay so far? He didn't mention anything being wrong, but I don't trust him any farther than I could throw him and I need to hear it from you anyway.

09:27 pm

I hate this. I was so stupid for thinking this would end any other way. I want to go away somewhere by myself and I can't and this sucks. Sorry. SORRY! He's fucking sorry! Really?! Does he think that's what I want to hear right now? Fuck. This is so beyond fair.

I'm over this 'stuck on you' thing, seal, you can kinda let us go any time now. This started out great and now I fucked it up. Awesome. No offense, Aaron, but you know, privacy would be ace at this point. All the privacy ever, actually.

09:31 pm

Shit I miss target practice...

...this is a fucking nightmare, dude. This has to end soon, right?

09:33 pm

I'm off patrolling duty for a little while. Oh my God that hurt...

Sorry...I didn't think you'd fall that fast, but I didn't want to sneeze on you, either...

09:54 pm
[info]solokent: Jacob

Hey kiddo, how are you doing? Eating, bathing, not setting yourself or anything around you on fire? So about that distress I sensed in the Force

11:36 pm
[info]notsosrstam: Filtered to Kevin

What's your take on the guy stuck to Gracie? My spidey-senses are tingling right now...I got a bad feeling the way she's talking, bro...