March 6th, 2012

03:55 pm
[info]hideourkidzz: This is a test post


04:52 pm
[info]hideourkidzz: polls and stuff

Welcome to hideourkidz! This is a PSL community for (at the very least) the future kids from the lovely War plot we all clamored to go on eternally. Now it will, kind of, here!

Before we begin, however, we need to set up a few groundwork things.

1) This is Caitlin (hi!) but I am not the mod for this community OH GOD AM I EVER NOT THE MOD. Everyone who joins this community will get the password to this mod account and on our merry way we will go as a egalitarian society.

2) How do we want this place to work? Therein lies a poll. Until the poll closes (Thursday evening sometime or when everyone has voted) no one is getting added here to avoid CHAOS but go ahead and request membership if you want and we can go in and approve later.

2a) You will note that in the options we are not including just going back to the future. This would fuck up ages and people couldn't play their kids as they did on War and we'd be sad. Sorry kids, you can never go home.

2b) Here are the polls whee!

Where are we anyway?

  • A completely empty city with houses/apartment buildings, stores, everything. It is surrounded by woods. If you try to leave bad things happen to you. The stores are always stocked but never when you're watching. There is electricity etc.
  • A whole empty earth replica. Same deal.
  • An AU earth where War never happened. Everyone is fictional, even spn people. There are townies, a functioning society, etc. There is no apocalypse/demons. Hope we have hackers.
  • None of these, and I will explain in the comments thereby ruining Caitlin's life since she'll have to make another damn poll and re-open voting.


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Who is coming?

  • Future kids only
  • Future kids + AUs from this plot
  • Future kids + AU's + current war characters. For example, Jacob would show up and so could 17 year old Allana
  • Future kids + AUs + future versions of existing War characters. So Jacob would show up and so could 30something Allana but NOT 17 year old Allana
  • Another option I will explain in the comments thereby once again ruining Caitlin's life


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What the hell are we doing here?

  • No one knows, no one will ever know. Handwavehandwave.
  • The seal quarantined them because they are timestream disruptions. Why will some go home if we get bored of them? Because they just WILL okay?
  • Something evil has trapped them here! Oh no!
  • Something else we can figure out another day.


More polls: henrik stigell Free online polls iPhone Accessories

So as far as PSLs also being housed in this place...

  • Sounds good! We can have them set off from the things going on in this community by a tag of [PSL] that way we can see logs of the characters as they're growing up or after they get home after leaving War, or whatever people want to do with them.
  • No, I only want a sort of alternative crack game to be here. I can PSL on my own journal


More polls: Free online polls iPhone Accessories Take polls

3) As far as ~plots~ go, like, genderswaps or whatever, if/when we decide to do those people can just pitch them and make a poll, and that is how we can decide if we do them.

Thank you for your time, vote away but please just vote once for each. Yay!
