September 22nd, 2011

[info]pure_dragon in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: Draco and Astoria, Open because of location
Where: Hogsmeade
When: Saturday, noon
What: A date! For real this time!
Rating: G to start.
Status: incomplete//closed due to complete lack of response
Assumption: They had a decent date.
Warning: um. Fluff, maybe?, possible language, and a really, really cute crup puppy

Real men wear pink. )

[info]mr_weasley in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: Arthur Weasley
Where: Muggle London
When: September 18-24th
What: Week Two Without Memory
Rating: PG-13
Status: complete/closed
Warning: memory loss, violence

The days were growing colder... )

[info]monsieur_malfoy in [info]hiddenagenda_rp

Who: Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Arthur Weasley
Where: Oh, here, there, everywhere
When: September 25th
What: Desperately Seeking Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete
Warning: language, Lockhart, evil plans

The blond, the brunette, and the red-haired muggle-lover )